Terry L Carter

Richest gold mine in Utah the lost Rhoades mine old timers secrets

Rock Creek Spanish Treasure

Major find in the Grand Canyon, Egyptians in the Grand Canyon

Found two 9 foot ancient stone doors near the Grand Canyon

His grandmother used to feed the Kandahar giant in Afghanistan

Aztec Treasure Found???

Found a jar of old coins and a lot more

What are they hiding from us???

The KGC treasure secrets

Ancient King and Queen Nephilim Giants Tomb found by John Brewer

Do this to find a Spanish treasure

Nephilim Giants in Utah - Brewers Cave

The giants ripped their heads off heads off of the Indians and drank their blood

24 pound gold nugget found in Nevada

Found a Nephilim Giant, took his breastplate and sword

Real life Indiana Jones tells his story, The cave full of gold.

Ancient document to a massive treasure

107 year old prospector died before he could share his gold with us

27 red head giants found in a cavern on Mount Trumbull on the Arizona strip

Billion dollar treasure hunt gone terribly wrong - who got it

Rock Creek and Moon Lake Spanish Treasure - shared before he passed away

Terry Carter is live!

The thrill of treasure hunting in Mexico part 2

Looking for Treasure, Found a Ghost Instead - Have I lost my Mind???